Dear colleagues, The EUROPAH network invites you to participate in an online conference to discuss the contribution of EUROPAH to our understanding of the role of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Interstellar Medium The EUROPAHContinue reading
AstroChemistry Discussions
Astrochemistry Discussions is a brand new forum in 2020 that aims to host an online dicussion of astrochemical research. The SOC for the “Astrochemistry Discussions” invite participants to learn more about upcoming seminars by followingContinue reading
ACS – Astrocheminars
On Wednesday, 9 September, the American Chemical Society, Astrochemistry Subdivision will host the first in a series of AstroCheminars that will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 8 PM CEST (11Continue reading
EUROPAH Leadout training
This will be EUROPAH’s first completely virtual activity and we are open to ideas and suggestions on how to make this work for you. The event will work best if it is tailored to what you need and want.
PAHRTEA: ESR-organized meeting on PAHs
The Early Stage Researchers of the EUROPAH consortium are happy to announce the workshop: PAHRTEA: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Research: Theory and Experiments in an Astronomical context.
Registration is now open for our EUROPAH Summer School
The EUROPAH Summer School; “PAHs in extreme environments” is now open for registration. This training program will run at the University Paul Sabatier, in the beautiful city of Toulouse, in the South West of France, fromContinue reading
EUROPAH Public Engagement
The EUROPAH public engagement website is now open. This site runs in parrallel to the research objectives for the project, and offers a platform for members of the public to learn more about the EUROPAHContinue reading
EUROPAH Autumn Event Series
There are a number of events this coming autumn that EUROPAH ESRs and the EUROPAH Investigators are expected to attend. These are detailed below. Links to the relevant registration pages will become active soon. Continue reading
Innovation Training Event
The EUROPAH network will host an Innovation Training event from Monday 1st October – Wednesday 3rd October, at the University of Liverpool, UK. The venue for all training events is 6th Floor Conference Room, Department ofContinue reading